Friday, August 1, 2008

It's a Heart Rock Life!

One of my favorite movies is Field of Dreams. I love the idea expressed in the line, "If you build it, they'll come." When I started my blog, I hoped that others would join and/or contribute to the collective voice of the blog, sharing their stories and images of heart rocks. A year has passed and I'm overwhelmed at the numbers of people I've met who collect heart rocks and have started blogs, groups and written books expressing this shared passion.

When I logged in after an evening walk (found two heart rocks this time), I was delighted to read a post from another Heart Rock lover...all the way from California!

I'd like to introduce you to the latest blog addition to The Heart Rock Collective: It's a Heart Rock Life

Welcome to Sharilyn from California! Check out her her heart rock story; read her inspirational writings; meditate on her visual snapshots of everyday life which speaks of God's beauty surrounding us. Look around you to witness His creation, look within to experience His love and grace.


sharilyn said...

Thanks, Kimberly, for the words of encouragement and for telling others about my new baby blog! I look forward to reading more of your writing and sharing in the joys of discovering God's amazing love for us! He is faithful and kind! ~sharilyn

Kimberly 'Butterfly Wings' said...

Yes, God is Awesome, indeed! Your blog is's become part of my daily spiritual readings! Keep sharing your insights. We're all instruments designed to sing His praises and carry the message of His Love to others.