My story...
"My dad has been in the hospital for three weeks now. He went in for hip replacement surgery and has suffered one complication after another. At one point he needed to be put on a ventilator. As I was getting ready to go to the hospital one day, my daughter chose one of my many heart rocks and asked me to bring it to Grampa. It was picked specifically because the shape would be obvious to him if he held it in his hand! So, I brought it to him and placed it in his hand. I told him it was a heart rock form my daughter. For days I would check to make sure the nurses were keeping it in his hand. One day when I came in I noticed that since it kept falling out of his hand, one of the nurses had taped it on his bed right next to his head. It has been with him ever since."
Heart Rockin' Family: www.frecklesfilledwithlove.